Learning to stay authentic with your consumers during a pandemic

By Grace Gilani

As the world and everyone in it begins to adjust to this “new normal,” brands need to remember exactly who their audience is, and how they can stay true to not only themselves as a company,  but to their loyal customers. A brand that they have without a doubt worked tirelessly on to build from the beginning.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, audiences alike have seen brands stray from their key messages, oftentimes to stay up on current issues, and continue to be relevant. An example of this would be a clothing brand posting an article or a blog post about new technological advances concerning the pandemic. Not only does this brand have no business discussing this topic, but their audience also is not there to hear their opinion on technology; they’re there to hear about the latest fashions. 

“When people are presented with a reduced choice of service, previous experience comes into play and we tend to stay loyal to brands that gave us value in the past,” Alun Davies said.

During these unprecedented times, it is understandable that some companies may be struggling with how they can help or get involved. Here are some tips as to how your brand can use the right voice and messaging to keep their audiences engaged and safe through the pandemic.

1.     Create a relationship with your consumers 

I bet we can all relate to coming in contact with a robot when your intention was to talk to a live human being, and this hasn’t changed during COVID 19. Consumers want to feel like they can have a relationship with customer service, a human voice, that they relate to and be friendly with.  

By doing this, this cuts out the anxiety a customer might be feeling regarding the pandemic. More often than not, your consumers will notice that your brand values their business more than another company who simply dealt with them at their convenience.

2. Stay true to yourself and your brand 

It’s no shock that this pandemic has lasted much longer than anyone had originally anticipated, and therefore, brands will need to stick to what they know, because it’s worked so far! 

Obviously moving marketing and everything else online was stressful, however, you shouldn’t have to change what your brand represents or who it is tailored towards just to stay relevant. You want your customers to really feel like they know what your brand is about, and that through thick and thin, you will be the one thing in their life that stays consistent. 

A perfect example of straying from your core message and confusing your audience is the commercial for Progressive Insurance that was released during the beginning of the pandemic. The ad featured all the well-known Progressive characters, but the brand had strayed from their core message. If you were unaware who Flo and Jamie were, you would have no idea that they were trying to sell you car insurance. This is a perfect example because Progressive simply wanted to catch the trend before everyone else. 

My advice is, don’t change who you are just because of this “new normal.” Eventually, this time we have spent cooped up in our homes will have ended, and at the end of the day, do you want to change your marketing strategy AGAIN to fit back into the normal (post-COVID) world? 

3. Learn together with your customers

Finally, and most importantly, come together with your audience to hear what they have to say. You could think a campaign you put together was the best you’ve ever made, when some of your consumers could feel as if you missed the mark. I believe that in this predominantly digital age it is normal to get feedback, and adjust your strategy like that. You can let your audience have a say while still upholding your beliefs and values. 

How to Stay Organized While Everything is Virtual

By Holly Palandoken

This year has been unlike anything we’ve seen before. It has been challenging to keep everything organized while balancing the shift to online work and classes, but it’s important to create an organizational routine. Not sure where to start? Try out these tips for success.

  1. Get a planner that works for you

The aesthetic bullet journals you may see online look nice, but they may not work for you. The important thing is to find a planner that meets all of your needs for school or work.

If you’re a student or an educator, check out planners that follow the academic year instead of the standard calendar. College bookstores often have planners that already have important dates printed in them (such as winter and spring breaks) so check out your college’s online store to see if you can order one.

Do you prefer virtual planners? Check out free online sources, such as Google Calendars, and plan your tasks out.

Once you’ve picked the planner that works for you, make a habit of writing down when your work is due, and any appointments or meetings you have. Writing down your due dates will help you remember to do them on time, and writing down any prior commitments will help you schedule when to do them.

  1. Set reminders on your devices

We’ve all forgotten to do an assignment until the last minute, so why not have Siri remind you before it’s too late? Setting reminders on your phone can be a great way to keep you on track for success.

I personally set weekly alarms on my phone for 15 minutes before my scheduled meetings so I’m always on time. There are many free apps on the App Store and Google Play for more customized reminders, but the pre-installed clock apps on your phone also work just fine.

  1. Learn how to manage your time

Figuring out how to manage your time is the key to being successful. Learn how to plan out your day so that you can get your work done, and still have free time.

“Effective time management is the effective use of your time that allows you to plan your days in such a way that you finish your work with less effort and make the most of the limited time you’ve got,” Marija Kojic said.

Scheduling planned times for getting work done can make a difference in your work for the day. Think about how long it will take you to get a project done, and plan to work on it during a specific time.

Don’t forget to schedule short breaks throughout the day, or you may feel overwhelmed by your work! During these breaks, step away from your computer, and grab a healthy snack or read part of a book.

  1. Avoid procrastination

Virtual school and work is hard, but procrastinating only makes it harder. Plan to do your work ahead of when it’s due instead of putting it off until it’s too late. Your work will be higher quality, and you’ll have more time to yourself after finishing your work earlier.

Try to do your work as soon as possible, but it’s okay to work on it at a later date if you have other commitments. Look over your schedule, and pick a specific day and time to work on it ahead of the due date so you have time to check your work again before submitting it.

Creating A Powerful and Memorable Brand Identity and Voice

Four ways to distinguish your brand or company from your competitors, while gaining the attention of your audience.

By Brooke Martin

When you think of soda the first brand that pops in your head might be Coca-Cola and it’s widely recognizable red logo and white font that you can find at almost any grocery store or restaurant. However, you might be surprised to find out that there are almost 1,000 different varieties of soda

So why is Coca-Cola such a well-known soft drink compared to other sodas? One reason is Coca-Cola has a distinguished brand identity and voice. The soda has been on the market for over 130 years and is thought of in a happy and friendly context. They’ve had a long time to excel in their brand identity and voice. Now it’s your turn!

Branding professional Marty Neumeier defines a brand identity as “The outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, communications, and visual appearance.”

So how can your brand or company develop a successful and memorable brand identity and voice? Follow these four steps to get you on the right path:

  1. Research your audience and perform a SWOT analysis
    • No one product or service will attract everyone, but your company will appeal to certain demographics more than others. Hone into these specific audiences. Is your high end makeup company going to mainly attract younger females that are middle and upper class? Will parents of babies and infants be more likely to buy your baby products than the average college student? Be specific on exactly who you want your message to get across to.
    • SWOT analysis
      1. Strengths– what is working well
      2. Weaknesses– what is not working well
      3. Opportunities– things that could help improve your brand’s messaging, brand identity and voice
      4. Threats– things that could cause a potential problem
  1. Complete your brand strategy. Ask yourself these questions:
  1. Identify your competition
    • Look at similar businesses and companies to get inspired for your own personal brand identity and voice. Research their social media platforms and websites to see what you like and what you don’t like. What’s working well and what can be improved?
  1. Utilize social media platforms

Creating an efficient and memorable brand identity and voice won’t happen overnight. Even after you hit the right stride, there will always be new ways to improve and things that can be better. It will take a lot of effort, thought and patience but it will be worth it in the end.

Separating your home from your home office

By Hannah Manoucheri

As more and more work lives transfer online, full-service offices shift to coffee tables and kitchens as we continue to adapt our lives to quarantine. The new normal has changed in the agency landscape and life for students and professionals alike has shown how hard it is to keep home life outside of the home office. 

Some prefer to merge the two, allowing their family and friends to creep into their workspaces and working hours, but the results are often similar across the board. Poor distinctions of what’s work and what’s not will prevent you from setting aside time to live your personal life outside of your work life.

According to Adda Birnir from Skill Crush, “without some serious boundaries, working from home means the office can easily seep into your life and make you feel totally unhinged.”

Whether you’re trying to start a new semester out strong, or you’re trying to make the most of your work-from-home environment, here are a few tips to get your work balance just right while we all continue to perfect our quarantine WFH routines:

Tip 1: Set your working hours

Whether you’re building a class schedule or designating what times you’ll be online and working, reinstating your work schedule is the easiest way to set up a boundary between work and home. It allows you to delegate time for you to be online and available to work on projects so your personal life can remain offline when your hours are up.

Tip 2: Let your loved ones know when you’re working

From roommates to family members, someone will always be there to bug you. Working from home means sometimes you have to let them know when you can and can’t be bothered! Building a system to alert them when they can come and talk to you creates a boundary that the people in your life can be aware of themselves. 

The “Cup System” from Jessica McCabe with How to ADHD on YouTube is great for individuals working in a space where people can easily access you. Utilizing a red light, green light system, you simply:

  • Set up three different plastic cups: red, green and yellow
    • The red cup means “I can’t be interrupted right now”
    • The yellow cup means “You can interrupt me if it’s important”
    • The green cup means “I’m free to talk!”
  • Stack the cups on top of each other with the color indicating your working condition on the top and adjust as your priorities shift.

If you can’t use cups right now, it’s okay to get creative! Handwritten notes, colored post-its, or even hand-drawn signs will all get the message across the same. 

Tip 3: Stay accountable for taking a break

The easiest way to burnout at home is to avoid taking breaks. Setting aside time between your working hours to step away from the computer and stretch, drink some water or grab a snack, and rest your eyes is a great way to keep going strong throughout the end of your workday.

Take your break away from your workspace. This allows you to make the mental separation between what’s a place to work and what’s not. By reinforcing this separation in your break, you’re more likely to consistently respect the boundaries you set for yourself.

If you have trouble taking breaks on your own, find a break buddy! They could be a coworker on one of your teams, or even just your roommates, but their purpose is to make sure you take a break. However, this is a two-way street, you have to keep them accountable too! If you both take your break together, you’re more likely to commit to keeping it in your schedule.

Tip 4: Create a routine for logging on and off

Some have taken to calling this their fake commute but establishing a routine that helps you transition in and out of work mode will help you shift better between the two. This further creates the mental separation between what’s considered work and what’s not. 

Logging on could be making a cup of coffee and drinking it while checking your email, or taking a walk while listening to a daily news briefing. Whatever it is, creating a morning ritual that helps your brain shift into work mode will help you dive into the workday more seamlessly.

Logging off could just be shutting down your computer. It could also be making dinner or spending time with friends. Creating a routine that helps reduce stress and take your mind off work helps shift your brain out of work mode. 

Creating a separation between work and home means making time for yourself to be productive and relax. Quarantine means working from home, but it also means being kind to yourself.

The Future of Storytelling

By: Sydney Olivia

The internet is bursting with an overload of constant facts and information. It can make it hard to cut through all of the white noise and grasp the attention of readers. However, a good story can make a person stop skimming and start reading. 

As Clarissa Schearer, author of Axia Public Relations weekly newsletter says, “Storytelling is the future.”

The importance of feature writing can not be overstated in the field of journalism and public relations. It gives you the ability to become a storyteller and content creator while pushing a message for your client. A good feature can increase the client’s visibility while also creating a new audience. While feature writing can be an intimidating, and often daunting task for any journalist or public relations professional, it is important to keep a few tips in mind. 

Tip 1: The five W’s 

Some feature stories require a ton of research, but it’s easy to cover the essentials in five simple questions. These questions will give you the baseline of your story.

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why? 

Tip 2: Have an angle 

Following the five W’s alone won’t be what draws readers to your article. It’s up to you to determine a strong angle that you want to take on your feature article. An interesting angle can make all of the difference in capturing the audiences’ attention and converting casual skimmers into invested readers. And from invested readers into potential customers for your client.

Tip 3: Find what feature is best for you

People are often surprised that there is no one correct way to write a feature story. There are, in fact, many ways to write a feature story. Here is a look at the top five most common features. 

  • The Profile – an in-depth look at a person or profile 
  • The News Feature – a hard news subject told in feature style 
  • The Trend Story – a light-hearted take on what is trending in popular culture
  • The Spot Feature – a short story that offers a different perspective to a larger story 
  • The Live-In – a detailed story about a place and the people who live or work in the surrounding area 

Tip 4: What to add and what to leave 

While gathering information for your story, it’s hard to fight back the urge to add every detail, including your opinion or bias. Write the facts. Be specific and give detail. Leave your opinion behind. If you are unsure of whether or not to add something to your story, think about how it adds to the story. If it helps the story and the reader understand, then put it in. If it doesn’t benefit the story in any way, leave it out. It’s best to give readers a factual story, not an opinionated story. 

Tip 5: Use stronger verbs 

If you’re writing for a client, you might run into a maximum word count. It is important to pay attention to the adjectives and verbs you’re using. Try to utilize strong verbs rather than a lot of adjectives. “Show, don’t tell.” Verbs show the story and give the reader a better image. 

Anyone can write a feature. As long as you ask the five W’s, you’ll get the baseline of any story. It’s up to you to tell the story well. Stick to these simple tips and you’ll write a phenomenal story! 

Why color is extremely important in media

How does color theory actually affect how we view media?

Photo by Gradienta on Unsplash

By: Jordyn Moore

Red equals danger, blue equals sadness and yellow equals happiness. These basic concepts that everyone has grown up to understand can easily be directed towards multiple types of media. Whether it’s for a physical print or for digital content, color alone shapes how we feel about what we’re seeing and graphic designers, directors, etc., can exploit that natural feeling to suit their project. It may seem funny to think that these simple concepts could actually influence how we perceive a movie scene or ideas on a flyer, but there are some studies that prove this. For example, you may assimilate blue with sadness because of seeing a cold blue-toned rainy day or because of the resemblance of tears.

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How to perfect your online design portfolio

Photo by  Unsplash

By Zoe Salido

In preparation for graduation, I felt that my online design portfolio was adequate in displaying my design aesthetic and range of skills. Through my courses leading to my present status as a graduating senior, I found that I lacked a strong portfolio. As a student, I learn through instruction, but also through my own mistakes. I have been taught that my portfolio itself is a design and must be functional in reflecting who I am as a designer.

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How to create a social media strategy to impress your client

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels

By Val Sanchez

You have an assignment due tomorrow but instead of doing the assignment you fill your time mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram  feed. You tell yourself, “It’s just a 15-minute  break” but that 15-minute  break quickly turns into an hour of scrolling through makeup tutorials on Instagram. Use of social media sites can often cause more harm than good but if used to a company’s advantage it can be a good tool to increase visibility and connections with their audience. This semester I got the opportunity to run social media, specifically Facebook, for my client. It wasn’t an easy task but here are some tips I learned along the way.

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The Rise of TikTok

Photo by Canva, logo by TikTok

By: Tiana Pena

With more and more individuals being forced to quarantine at home. Tiktok has started to rise it’s numbers of downloads and engagements in the past 3 months! As a PR specialist it’s important to keep up with these new apps that are being developed. It is also important to be conscious on how to use them. I decided to download the app and see for myself. Within 2 weeks I gained 3,000 followers. Here are some things I learned along the way!

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What to do when you can’t generate creativity?

If you find yourself sitting in front of a blank project. Stop what you’re doing, walk away and clear your mind.

Photo by  Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

By: Maria Ramirez

Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of a blank doc, canvas, editing timeline or any other piece of work that forces your brain to think creatively? Whether you’re a writer, artist, video creator or any other professional this has happened to you. You sit down and try to start but nothing comes to mind. I’ve been in that position too many times. It’s not a good feeling, especially if it’s something you’ve put off and a deadline is approaching. Okay, so you look at the clock and do the math. “This project is due at midnight, it’s 1:45 p.m. right now. If I start at 2 p.m. then I can be done by 4 p.m., but if I take a 30-minute break I’ll be done by 4:30 p.m.” I do this every time which causes me more stress, my mind begins to spiral and I can’t focus. The term for this feeling is creative/writer’s block. If you catch yourself in a knot like me, stop what you’re doing and take a step back.

Continue reading “What to do when you can’t generate creativity?”