What to do when you can’t generate creativity?

If you find yourself sitting in front of a blank project. Stop what you’re doing, walk away and clear your mind.

Photo by  Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

By: Maria Ramirez

Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of a blank doc, canvas, editing timeline or any other piece of work that forces your brain to think creatively? Whether you’re a writer, artist, video creator or any other professional this has happened to you. You sit down and try to start but nothing comes to mind. I’ve been in that position too many times. It’s not a good feeling, especially if it’s something you’ve put off and a deadline is approaching. Okay, so you look at the clock and do the math. “This project is due at midnight, it’s 1:45 p.m. right now. If I start at 2 p.m. then I can be done by 4 p.m., but if I take a 30-minute break I’ll be done by 4:30 p.m.” I do this every time which causes me more stress, my mind begins to spiral and I can’t focus. The term for this feeling is creative/writer’s block. If you catch yourself in a knot like me, stop what you’re doing and take a step back.

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