The Rise of TikTok

Photo by Canva, logo by TikTok

By: Tiana Pena

With more and more individuals being forced to quarantine at home. Tiktok has started to rise it’s numbers of downloads and engagements in the past 3 months! As a PR specialist it’s important to keep up with these new apps that are being developed. It is also important to be conscious on how to use them. I decided to download the app and see for myself. Within 2 weeks I gained 3,000 followers. Here are some things I learned along the way!

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Coping with Loneliness

Photo by Canva

By: Brooke Martin

Many tend to overlook their daily privileges and fortunes until they are taken away. Going to the grocery store, getting coffee with friends, boarding an airplane and so many other things we took for granted just a few months ago. With the Coronavirus quarantine, people are interacting with others less, staying in the same, confined spaces and are combating loneliness. Routines have changed as have the mindset of a lot of people. However, there are ways to cope with loneliness and even put it to good use.

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Seniors: How To Help Your Career During Quarantine

Photo by Pexels

By: Christina Arias

The Class of 2020 will forever be remembered as the Class of Quarantine. As Chico State seniors return from spring break to online classes, it can seem like school is optional right now, but that isn’t the case at all. The pandemic has brought the world to a standstill where a lot of us don’t know what our future holds. As we watch the brave frontline of responders try to get a hold of this virus, a lot of us are forced to stay home and can start feeling lost. Our timelines have shifted, our classes look different and those job applications may not seem so promising anymore, but it doesn’t mean we should stop working toward our goals.

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