4 Tips on How to Make Your Videos More Dynamic

Add quality to your vacation, sport or school videos by following these easy tips!

  1. Video Composition Rule: Establishing, Medium and Close-Up

To keep your video interesting and filled with depth, use different shot compositions while filming.


  • Starting a video with an “establishing shot” or “wide shot” will set the scene and give the viewer an understanding of what is happening and where it is about to happen.
  • Cutting to a medium shot brings the viewer into the subject of the video and lets them take in the entire scene.
  • Next, cut to a close up to show fine detail. Close-up shots can be of a person’s face, an action occurring that is important to the story or simply just to show an objects detail.

Note: Keeping this rotation of shots is not always necessary. Starting with a close-up can make an intriguing intro. Just avoid using the same composition from shot to shot. Keeping it varied makes it more dynamic.

  1. Use Depth of Field

Depth of field, or DOF, is a measure of how much of the frame is in focus.


  • A deeper DOF means practically everything in your photo will be in focus. You will find that most auto modes use a “long” depth of field.
  • A shallow DOF isolates the subject from its surroundings. Only a small area of the photo is in focus so it concentrates the viewer’s eyes on that part of the frame.
  • Using a shallow DOF while changing what the camera is focused on, adds a professional and cinematic look to your video.
  1. Setting the Pace

Establish a pace through your selection of static and moving shots, as well as the length and placement.

  • Wide shots contain more information, so they can be held longer. This allows the audience to register everything that’s happening.
  • Medium and close up shots can be cut more quickly because the viewer is able to grasp what they’re seeing and handle a faster transition.
  • Using quick cuts and short clips heightens the dramatic tension of the scene and keeps the audience on the edge of their seat.

Tip: Novice editors tend to keep shots on for too long because they do not realize how quickly the viewer can understand a shot. Keep it quick!

  1. Cut the Video to Fit the Music

Cutting your clips perfectly to the beat of the music takes your home video to the next level!


  • Use music as a backbone when editing clips by expanding the audio track waveforms. This lets you visually see the highs and lows of the song you are using.
  • By seeing the waveforms, you can cut and paste video into the perfect spot to seamlessly fit the music.
  • If your music is slowing down, slow down your clips or keep the shots going longer. If your music is speeding up, start to cut quicker to build up the tension of the video.

Remember: It is all about a natural and comfortable flow!

Written by Delaney Forrey, Videographer