Battling Imposter Syndrome

By Erin Aquilino

As I approach graduation in December, there is an overwhelming anxiety that as I enter the workforce, I will not be qualified. Despite five and a half years of education and working towards a BFA in Communication Design, there is a part of me that feels like somehow I cheated my way to this point, like I am a fraud. 

While the logical part of my brain knows that I worked hard to get to this point, through personal challenges and setbacks, a global pandemic, and the run-of-the-mill struggles that every college student faces, I can’t help but feel like I subconsciously scammed my way through college. As a graphic designer, I can’t help but feel like I’ve never come up with an original idea. Have I been mistaking infringement for inspiration all of this time? 

Turns out that what I am feeling is not unusual, in fact “up to 70% of people have experienced symptoms of imposter syndrome” (Albanese), the feeling of workplace fraudulency and being unqualified (Giglio), despite actually having worked hard and being equipped for a job. I find that it takes 50 successes to build my confidence in myself as a designer, but only one failure to tear it all down again. With every failure, despite all of the things I’ve done successfully, I can’t help but think “Maybe I don’t know what I’m doing. Maybe I’m not as qualified as I thought I was.” So how do we overcome these feelings of self-doubt? How do we learn to tell ourselves that it’s not just luck that got us here, but dedication, hard work, and talent? 

Here are some ways ground yourself when the imposter syndrome is screaming that you’re #fake: 

  1. Make a list of your accomplishments. 

Whether it is a mental list or physically writing them down, focus on your achievements, no matter how big or small. From graduating college to turning in that one assignment that you thought for sure you were going to fail but actually ended up getting a decent grade on. 

  1. Reassuring yourself that you didn’t get to where you are now purely based on luck.

It sounds simple but it’s helpful. Sometimes we get these negative thoughts because we are failing to look at the bigger picture. It wasn’t luck that got you into college and it wasn’t luck that got you through college either, just like it won’t be luck that gets you a job in your industry. Give yourself the credit you deserve. 

  1. Really think about your failures. 

I know this sounds depressing but hear me out. Why did you fail? What can you do differently next time? Stop thinking about short-comings as failures but as lessons. Apply what you learned when you do that thing again. And don’t be scared to do that thing again because you weren’t successful the first time.

  1. Ask for help.

Being qualified does not mean you have to know everything and asking for help does not make you less good at what you do, in fact it makes you better. Knowing when to ask questions because you can’t accomplish something by figuring it out on your own is a strength, not a weakness.  

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others. 

This is easier said than done and it takes practice. I’ve found that the root of a lot of my self-doubt comes from comparing myself to the people around me. I frequently find myself thinking things like “All my friends graduated in 4 years, why did it take me 5 and a half? Probably because I’m dumb.” Wrong. My timeline was just different. Someone might have more experience or different qualifications than you but that does not diminish your own experience and qualifications. 

Battling imposter syndrome is hard and emotional but it’s not impossible. It’s not going to happen overnight but little by little you’ll wake up feeling like you are where you’re supposed to be. Be patient and gentle with yourself, you’ve achieved amazing things to get yourself where you are now. 


Albanese, S. (2019, January 31). Facing impostor syndrome as a new grad. Eyes On Eyecare. 

Giglio, M. (2022, April 15). Imposter syndrome for newly graduated students. UConn Center for Career Development.

Connections are key.

Women standing in front of Kendall Hall

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome


By Jeremiah Guzman

As a college student and intern on campus, I’ve struggled with Imposter Syndrome in class and the workplace. Despite my academic accomplishments and the positive feedback I’ve received from my supervisors and colleagues, I often feel like I don’t deserve my position and that I’m not qualified for the work I’m doing. I have always been able to handle whatever work has been thrown my way, however, these feelings of self-doubt and insecurity can be overwhelming and at times it makes it hard for me to focus or try to perform at my best.

Imposter Syndrome as defined by the dictionary is, “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.” In other words, it is the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high-performing in external ways. This condition often results in people feeling like “a fraud” or “a phony” and doubting their abilities.

If you can relate to these experiences, you’re not alone. Imposter syndrome affects people from all backgrounds and industries, and it can have a significant impact on your mental health and well-being. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal experiences with imposter syndrome in the workplace and provide tips and strategies for overcoming it.

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding when you make mistakes or face challenges. Instead of beating yourself up for not being perfect, acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and that failures are opportunities for growth and learning. Try to be kind and gentle with yourself, just as you would with a friend who is struggling.

To practice this, try doing things like writing yourself a supportive note, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Personally, I enjoy writing music as it has been really helpful in getting my thoughts out in a healthy way.

Reframe Negative Thoughts

Negative self-talk can be a major contributor to Imposter Syndrome. When you tell yourself that you’re not good enough or that you don’t deserve success, it reinforces feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. To combat these negative thoughts, try reframing them in a more positive light. For example, instead of telling yourself “I’m not good enough for this job,” say “I may be new to this role, but I have the skills and qualifications to succeed.”

You can also try using positive affirmations to boost your confidence and remind yourself of your strengths. Repeat phrases like “I am capable and competent,” “I deserve to be here” and “I am enough” to help counteract negative self-talk.

Don’t be Afraid to Seek Support: 

Having a support system can be incredibly helpful in overcoming Imposter Syndrome. Those closest to you can provide guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of your job. They may also offer valuable feedback and perspective to your experiences. 

You can also seek support from a peer or support group. This can be a great way to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges and to share tips and strategies for overcoming Imposter Syndrome.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome can be a challenging process. It may take time to develop the mindset and strategies necessary to build confidence and feel secure in your abilities. However, it’s important to remember that overcoming Imposter Syndrome is possible and many people have been able to succeed in spite of their doubts and insecurities.

By taking these steps and persisting through the self-doubt that comes with Imposter Syndrome, you can build the confidence and resilience necessary to succeed in your career or personal life. Remember that everyone experiences insecurities at times, but with the right mindset and support you can overcome imposter syndrome and achieve your goals.

Battling Student Burnout

Battling Student Burnout graphic

By Paris Auerweck

As an overwhelmed college student staring down multiple mental health diagnoses, I have felt stuck in a hole more times than not. It can feel like there’s so much to do but nowhere to begin my thoughts.

The mental health crisis for teens and young adults has been increasing during high school and college years. The Healthy Minds Study during the 2020-2021 school year of 373 college campuses found that over 60% of students met the bill for at least one mental health issue. 

I tend to overlook how much work it takes to be a full-time student. The pressures and responsibilities that come with it are heavy. It’s very easy to fall into a long spiral of I don’t know what to do.

While these feelings of hopelessness and depressive burnout may seem irreversible, there are ways to work on slowing down your thoughts to a less alarming level. Being a full-time student will always be hard work but, here’s what I have found helps me the most.

Don’t look at the big picture.

Although this may seem like bad advice, those with mental struggles find navigating countless deadlines, class schedules, extracurriculars and family life to feel utterly suffocating. There are hours I have wasted trying to calm down my anxiety but still repeating I have so much to do in my head. Taking your days one step at a time makes a huge difference. When I am feeling particularly overworked, I like to write down what I need to do only for that day. By the time the day is over, I’m at ease knowing I completed what I intended to. 

Communicate your thoughts aloud.

Mental illness can make communication with others a challenge. 

“Asking for help seems as easy as picking up a phone, but that phone can sometimes feel like it weighs a thousand pounds. It may be a simple notion but it takes practice.”

 Speaking my thoughts verbally alone or in front of others helps me put things into perspective; I am not drowning and alone. There are others that will listen to and support me, as some may be going through the same feelings. Sharing your struggles with faculty, peers and friends can be uncomfortable but, leaving things unspoken proves worse for intrusive thoughts. When I say things out loud, they seem less intimidating and more achievable. 

Listen to your body.

Even with a full schedule, I can often feel as though I am never doing enough. Sometimes it feels as though there is a voice in your head telling you to do more, what you are doing now is not quite good enough. When thoughts like this spiral around in your mind, your physical well-being can take a toll. This creates excess fatigue, worse sleep and much lower energy. If you take a step back and listen to what your body is saying, you realize that your thoughts are not telling you the truth, you are in fact doing enough. Pay attention to what your body is telling you; constant headaches, sore body, fatigue, changing eating habits and nausea could all be part of a bigger problem. It can be hard to make time for self-care but it’s important you do. Eliminate your distractions completely and give yourself the space to reflect on what you have done recently to make yourself feel good. If you fall short, start prioritizing your needs. 

Change your environment

Being outside is a perfect reminder that things are constantly moving. When I am in a space of hopelessness or burnout, taking a walk alone helps me think clearer and doubt myself less. If you are stuck sitting in a place with nowhere to start, get out of your environment and see what perspectives change. 

Balancing life as a student while trying to preserve your mental state can be done. It takes time and patience but, you have to acknowledge the problem openly and make it a priority. Mental well-being is integral to self-improvement and one’s overall health. 

If you are struggling, you do not have to do it alone. Asking for help can put you in a great position to improve and grow as a person. Visit the California Department of Education’s Mental Health Resources page for more resources on where to start. 

Tips on Boosting Productivity

Tips to boost your productivity

By Daisy Beltran

Productivity is an essential aspect of our daily lives, whether we are working or pursuing personal goals.

One benefit to productivity is that it allows us to accomplish tasks at a faster rate. When we are productive, we can complete our tasks through a structured manner and move on to other important activities. The sense of accomplishment kicks in and the motivation for completing other tasks helps us finish our goals. 

Another benefit of being productive is that it can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are common obstacles in productivity. The stress can feel so overwhelming that it hinders our daily routines. But when we have a clear plan for completing our tasks, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed about what needs to be done. This can help to improve our mental health and reduce the negative effects of stress on our bodies.

A common struggle is taking the first step. There is no need to jump in full force to your tasks. It’s okay to begin things at your own pace. 

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.”  

― Leo Babauta

Here are a few tips to help boost your productivity on a day-to-day basis. For additional tips, visit to maintain a stress-free lifestyle. 

  1. Set clear goals and priorities: Establish clear goals and priorities for each day or week, and make a list of tasks to accomplish them. Use tools like to-do lists, calendars and reminders to help you stay organized and focused. Using reminders can help eliminate distractions. By doing so, you can maintain concentration and avoid wasting time on unimportant activities.
  1. Eliminate distractions: Turn off notifications and avoid interruptions during work hours. Try to work in a quiet and clutter-free environment. Visiting a library or a public workspace can be beneficial. The simple act of eliminating distractions at home can be the beginning of a productive day. If your task remains at home, turn your phone on “do not disturb” as the notification ringtone can hinder your focus or enhance temptations. 

Being productive means achieving our goals efficiently and effectively within a set time frame. It requires a combination of focus, discipline and motivation. 

  1. Use technology to your advantage: Although technology can be distracting at times, productivity apps and tools such as time-tracking apps and task management software can help you stay organized and focused. Evernote helps many people stay organized through reminders and different format tools. The Notion app is another way to maintain a balanced life. The app allows users to create folders, reminders, lists, and connect your Google calendar to the app. Whether you need to create a grocery list, errands, reminders, or goals. It’s a personalized app to make stressful tasks easier one step at a time. Technology was made to make our lives easier so don’t be afraid to take advantage!
  1. Prioritize the most important tasks: Most people feel overwhelmed with the immense number of different tasks. Learning to prioritize the most important ones over the easiest ones can be a step that’ll make stress and anxiety decrease. Focus on completing the most important tasks first. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed. 
  1. Stay healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. You may be tired of being told to “eat a healthy diet” but, it’s so commonly advised because it’s true. A healthy diet feeds your body nutrients that give you the energy you need to live a productive lifestyle. 

By setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions and maintaining good physical and mental health, we can increase our productivity and accomplish more in less time. Whether you are pursuing personal or professional goals, being productive can help you achieve success and fulfillment in all areas of life.

Subscribing to Self-Feedback and Insights to Remember

By Devonte Barr

With all the tools out there designed and intended to improve performance, it can be easy to forget that small things can make the biggest impact. Feedback is of the most valuable assets used to emend anything produced for the use of others. Not to mention things like performance, reaching milestones and the evolution of one’s skills. 

Feedback lets us know the parts that can and should be altered for the betterment of the whole. In the case of self-feedback, the intention is the same, except instead of relying on an outside source the source is you. It’s common to confuse self-feedback with confirmation or affirmation. Where they differ is essential in the process of getting effective results when overseeing completed work. Affirmations are more like positive reinforcements aimed to coral the mind towards a desired outcome. Self-feedback is after the fact, and its viewpoint is centralized around reflection and the execution of the task at hand. 

The struggle I run into most of the time is making sure the feedback I give myself is productive. At the end of the day, I don’t want to deflate my work or my motivation at making it as flawless as possible. What I always try to remember is that the feedback needs to elevate the work. As I mentioned before, it can be extremely easy to judge one’s own creation and halt the flow of progression. Because of this, I’ve come up with about five things that can help keep your self-critique on a productive path. 

The first one is simple, but also tricky because of the innate echo chamber that exists in our minds, it’s being forthright with your effort. A lot similar to being honest with oneself but in the case of effort, only one person knows if you gave it 100% effort or not. Taking stock of this is crucial because it allows you to see where your work lacks vis-a-vis the effort you put in. In other words, based on the level of care and time you put in, the results of your work will reflect that. 

Compartmentalizing is another helpful exercise to get used to as it helps with prioritization and organization. This response is to ensure that when you’re critiquing your work you’re focused on the things that matter. Dividing the structure and the project from the pieces that are inconsequential is how you build on what is solid to discard what is not. Incidentally, the mastery of this exercise will move in tandem with my next insight, which is revising with prudence. 

Practicing prudence is not only key for self-development but in the case of editing one’s work, it can serve as a sort of scalpel. Sharp on the edges and precise on its lines, the scalpel is how I like to envision my critique when going over my work. It’s helpful because the edits are purely surgical and don’t reflect talent or ability. Discerning from prudence and over-analyzing is crucial for keeping the trajectory of your work going forward instead of backward.

When I was in high school, I had a book of quotes by some of the world’s most influential people. There was only one quote I remember out of that entire book, and it has guided me through most of my life. The quote goes, “Be quick but not in a hurry.” John Wooden, one the greatest basketball coaches to ever live, would say this to his teammates and oftentimes get mixed responses. At face value, the phrase sounds sort of confusing, but if you break it down the message is pretty clear. In the act of revising, it’s important to be timely. Picture doing any task around the house that you’ve done a thousand times to the point where it’s a routine, like sorting laundry. The quickness in your decision-making on what goes where becomes in sync with your movements in a way that feels somewhat rhythmic. If you were to hurry your way through the selection process, throwing items in disorganized piles for instance, the result would no doubt lie beneath that of taking your time. The same goes for self-feedback. The intention is to get as accurate results as possible and the only way to do this is by becoming comfortable with a routine or some pre-structured steps to keep your attention on track. 

The final thing I’ve learned is somewhat difficult to convey as it applies differently from person to person. Self-actualization is, in my mind, the most important of all these insights, and for good reason. The constraints put on you by outside forces are loosened with self-actualization. 

To me, the ultimate lesson learned in any situation is living in the moment. Being present and aware of your abilities and skills will stop you from feeling discouraged and disconnected from your work. 

Applying self-actualization to self-feedback is invaluable in all cases because the work has come from you and only you can determine what you enjoy. For a perfect example of self-actualization, envision playing the trumpet, and for the sake of context let’s say you’ve been playing trumpet your whole life. After you graduate college, you continue to play and keep playing even though it may never lead to money but, you play because it brings you satisfaction. That is self-actualizing. Understanding that you are doing what you do because you care, and because it means something to you. Separating talent from one’s self is hard, but it’s important to remember that our talent doesn’t define us. It’s only what we choose to do with it that makes an impact. 

Feedback can always tell us something we didn’t think of to help us grow and evolve. Remember, self-feedback isn’t a replacement for what you receive from others but rather an accessory. Keeping hold of these insights might help you conquer the challenges that come with self-feedback, allowing you to stay productive and motivated.

Feel Differently

Self portrait created by Walker Hardy in deep thought.

By Walker Hardy

A jolting sound is sent through my system, causing my eyes to wire open at 7:00 a.m. – it’s time to start the school and work day. I sluggishly get out of my bed and start to get ready, dissociating and waiting for my system to wake up. 

Looking at my reflection, my system is awake now and my mind seems to start to think about all the stressors in my life; my living situation, my health, what’s gonna happen if… I allow my anxiety to drive me up a wall. 

I pick out my favorite sweater, one that will give me security and comfort as I throw together avocado toast with pepper and Sriracha. I rush out the door to make my 9:30 a.m. lecture and try to forget my stress. Just keep pushing. 

I continuously ignore the tension in my body, hoping for the moment I can unlock the red front door to my home, my comfort place. I get to my safety box of a room and plop down onto my office chair. My body feels heavy and my head leans forward as my eyes become watery from feeling stuck, frustrated and tired in life and school. 

I look up at my yellow post note on my clipboard that says, ‘remember impermanence.’ 

As a newer TGC member, there have been moments when I’ve felt worried and overwhelmed with the responsibility of working with real-world clients. I felt stuck with dealing with the heat, however, I tried to remind myself that feelings come and go. 

I nurture myself to the idea that if I feel stuck, that’s okay, it’s new and I will get the hang of it.  

Reminding yourself that you will feel differently soon is the theme of impermanence. 

Impermanence in the workspace environment has been a key outlet for me to remind myself that things can be new and scary but they could eventually turn into something beautiful and beneficial. 

The things that don’t change in life become secure, giving you that sense of familiarity and belonging. Yet that security body feels can bring the feeling of permanence; everlasting, however, that personally leads me into a deep, dark spiral. 

On the flip side of permanent things, Buddhism interprets impermanence as events in the environment in our physical, internal and emotional skeletons that will continuously change, evolve and grow. 

Buddhism ideologically, whether (Annica or Anitya,) defines impernance as being a theme of 

“Everything changes and nothing last’s forever.”

Rather than continuously dwelling on what causes me discomfort in life, I feel the discomfort and hope that when I open my eyes for the next day, I might feel better and if I don’t, I will feel differently soon.

Within the past few months, I realized the not-so-positive effects of never being satisfied or letting your body feel emotions. I have a hard time telling my inner self that it’s okay to feel my worries. 

To not dwell on what I don’t have or let myself get carried away with how bad things are since my feelings could change within a week or the next day. 

Impermanence has worked its way into my emotional life, too. Rather than stuffing down my challenging feelings, I let myself feel that emotion, hoping it  passes so I learn what to do next time. I feel stuck or want to feel differently. 

Acknowledging my inner feelings will genuinely allow me to grow in my career endeavors and find peace of mind in young adulthood. 

Whether in my workspace or school life, when I’m starting to feel my body get tense and scared of what if, I challenge myself to the idea that everything changes; reminding myself that my feelings will shed and I’ll have new skin.

A Moment Of Self Reflection

Sketch by Marc Mercado

By Marc Mercado

I remember when I switched my studies from concrete industry management (CIM) to interior architecture my freshman year. Even the architecture advisor questioned why I wanted to switch programs considering how successful CIM is.

That was the reason why I chose CIM for my academic career at Chico State. At that point in my life, I was driven by the expectations others set for me, with hopes of leaping over the poverty line. It only took the introductory course to push myself to look into other avenues– if this was going to be my full-time career I needed something more;

I was on a line: “to be a concrete man, or to know that I can [succeed without sacrificing]”.

With a minor in theatre arts, I looked forward to pursuing a program that included media arts. I came across the Media, Art, Design and Technology department, researched the major advisors, and I got in touch with Jennifer Meadows.

I hoped that she would be able to tell that I was lost and this was where I belonged, but my path continued to change and after that meeting, I kept looking. I was honestly intimidated by something new.

I thought, “if I’m worried about learning new skills/software in this academic path, then why not look for something that already encompasses my own skills and knowledge?”

Then I found interior architecture, so I figured, I know how to draw, I love design, and this will also satisfy two important areas of my life: family expectations and financial goals. There was much to love about this major, and to this day, I look back and wonder what life would have been like.

  Int. Architecture sketches by Marc

Fall was turning into winter. I was burning up and freezing at the same time; during this time my mental health was declining so during break, I flew to Mexico. Being outside of the country where I studied and worked felt incredibly liberating, I was surrounded by the beautiful Michoacán coast, the most blue skies and the greenest plants. This place is a sanctuary to me, it’s where I spent most of my childhood.

Playa Chuquiapan by Marc Mercado

A month turned into one more night and then I was in the sky, flying back “home”. There was still a lot of healing to be done, I hadn’t spent time thinking about the things I was still dealing with, but at least had a new academic plan.

It’s Junior Year, the first semester is a breeze, I joined AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) and felt comfort knowing I was part of a design community. I forgot to mention that every time I went to academic advising for my major changes, I had to do all the “figuring it out” and show up with a plan. The absolute best advice I got was from a friend, Luciana, who encouraged me to pursue this graphic design path.

The second semester was unexpected. My confidence level in this new program was low, but I knew I was still learning. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough “graphic design” and was still figuring out how I could find passion in this form of art and design. During this semester there were many new professors in the department and talks about how some would say “ you should’ve learned X in Jane Doe’s class”. The unveiling of Chico State’s rebrand happened during the same time students in our program were being told they wouldn’t be able to graduate on time due to class shortages and the entirety of at least two classes emailed the department with concerns about a discourteous professor.

With all this going on, I wasn’t sure of my place here at Chico State. The more I fell in love with graphic design, and learned about how to use it to communicate, to express and to create art, the more I saw how unimportant I was to my university. I turned my cheek and saw the Academy of Arts in San Francisco. Immediately, I began planning; I reached out and began the application process.

I was on the phone with Chico State but they kept me on hold. The Academy was ringing but the minutes were too expensive. I felt like I needed better guidance, I needed professors that cared, a campus that recognized my passion. I was going to end up paying more out of pocket than I ever did at Chico and could tell that my ambition was too much for my family, for our bank accounts. It was only going to be an online program anyway.

A letter was sent to my address, from the Academy. I got in, it all came down to the story I wanted to tell:

Work with what I’m given and persevere? Or succumb to a for-profit school and find myself in a worse financial situation?

Clearly, I chose the former option. It’s like this mantra I heard some years back about how a good artist can work under any circumstance.

Projects done by Marc Mercado
Projects done by Marc Mercado
Projects done by Marc Mercado
Projects done by Marc Mercado

5 Tips To Help Manage Anxiety In College: From A PR Student

Pink sunset clouds.

By Jessica Delgado

College students deal with so much during the four years they are in college. Some students take on financial independence, life obstacles, challenging circumstances, and toxic relationships throughout their college years. 

Anxiety can take over your entire day, running plans and obligations you made prior to being triggered. Most college students don’t know they are experiencing anxiety because they know little about it or how to handle it. 

In public relations, the amount of work and time you have to dedicate to strategy briefs, meetings, reports and collaborative work can be very overwhelming. 

Although I am not a licensed doctor and have no degree in psychology, I am a college student, and here are some of my self-help tricks to help with anxiety.

1. Allow yourself to take a step back  

I have experienced the saying, “I bite off more than I can chew,” when it comes to workload. I never want to miss any opportunity for growth in my school and personal life. But there really isn’t enough time in a day to do everything. I know we have all been in a position where we sit down to work on tasks and become completely overwhelmed with what is required from us. I have learned over the years that your mind cannot remember everything. Writing down tasks and their due date can help prevent you from missing deadlines. Planners are a helpful tool in organizing when a task is due. Staying organized with a planner allows you to meet deadlines, takes the stress of forgetting away, and helps prevent getting overloaded with things to remember. 

2. Be in the environment where you feel the safest 

I have always considered “my space” to be the safest. Sometimes if you are in an environment where there are a ton of people or in an unknown area, it can be overwhelming for your mind. Loud noises and chaos can spike one’s heart rate. Being able to go to “your space” to decompress can really help with lowering your anxiety. Whether your space is the TGC office, library, bedroom, kitchen, living room, or car – find a space where you feel comfortable and safe! 

3. Free write your emotions 

Before I found comfort in opening up to people I trusted, I found a lot of comfort in writing down what I feel. Sometimes, we don’t feel comfortable opening up to others, and that is completely okay! Once you begin writing, it can feel like a weight is being lifted off of you. Find something that releases negative emotions and feelings that benefits your mind, whether it is free writing or taking a walk outside. Our minds are very powerful and creative in thoughts. Find something that works for you! 

"You are stronger than what is making you anxious." -Jessica Delgado

4. Talk to a friend or loved one

Find comfort in a friend or loved one when you are experiencing anxiety. I know not everyone feels comfortable or has someone they can go to when they are experiencing anxiety. However, opening up and letting someone know what is going on with you can help. Taking a break to laugh and talk about things like what’s going on with the Kardashians, reality TV, or sports can really help your mind not be in “work mode.”  

5. Leaning on your peers in class 

I know here at TGC, everyone is willing to pick up the slack if help is needed. Having open communication about needing help on a brief or creative project you are working on can help you and your team. Everyone has good and bad days. Relying on your team and letting them know you need to be “saved” can prevent missed deadlines and upset clients. 

Managing anxiety is achievable. Take it day by day by finding what helps you in conquering it! You are loved and you are strong! 

Daily Habits to Encourage Consistency as a College Student

Five simple daily habits to implement in college to establish a consistent and successful daily routine.

By Natalie Lewandowski

In college, it seems that every day is full of new opportunities, making it challenging to gauge what day-to-day life looks like. The lack of consistency makes maintaining a healthy school, work and social-life schedule extremely difficult. By establishing these five daily habits, your mind and body will find a consistent pace as you conquer your college career. 

1. Establish a Sleep Schedule

There are advantages to establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating healthy sleep habits. According to Harvard University, “College students who prioritize sleep are likely to see improvement in their academic performance.” By being well rested, you will have the energy to complete your day, remain attentive during lectures and course work, and be less stressed. It is important to remember that most college students need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

2. Make Time for Daily Movement

It can be easy to stay glued to a computer screen or notebook for hours at a time. Set yourself reminders to get up and get active throughout the day! A simple outdoor walk, guided yoga, or workout class can allow your mind to take a much needed break that will ultimately allow you to perform better! “Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and anxiety and help you sleep better,” noted the CDC.

3. Check-In with Yourself

Each morning take note of what you feel that YOU need that day. A simple mental check-in can diagnose a lot. Whether you feel that you need to make time to talk to a friend, have a self-care moment, or more time allotted in your day for studying. It is crucial to mentally, emotionally and physically check-in with yourself so that you are aware of how you are feeling and how to get help if necessary. Some questions you may ask yourself during this time are:

  • Do I feel overwhelmed with school? 
  • Am I feeling more stressed than usual?
  • What do I have to look forward to this weekend?
  • How have I been sleeping? 
  • What’s my energy level?
  • What has brought me joy recently? Who can I share this with?
  • Who can I lean on for support and encouragement?

By establishing your needs, “it can improve your mood, your energy, your relationships with others, and your productivity,” says Jordan Madison.

4. Clean Your Space

A lot can be accomplished in just 10 short minutes! Grab your phone and set a quick timer each day! This gives you the opportunity to focus on your personal space. Pick up laundry, wipe off your desk, rearrange your books, do whatever you need to free your mind and environment from the added stress of clutter. Having a clean environment can reduce anxiety, encourage organization and promote better time management skills. 

5. Plan Ahead
Before heading off to bed, reflect on what has been accomplished and prepare for the next day. Create a simple to-do list with tasks you need to complete, social engagements and course work along with its due date. By organizing your thoughts the night before, you will be mentally prepared for the next day and more strategic in your approach. Simply writing down a list encourages productivity and keeps a busy student organized.

Stress Management for online school

By: Hector Betancourt

Online school is not the end of the world and managing stress will keep you on the right track.

It’s been almost a year since the pandemic began to affect everyone globally. What we used to consider normal has been changed. School became virtual and remembering to grab a mask when we leave the house has been added in our routine. I have to say it hasn’t been easy adapting to life virtually; school is different for a lot of people. We all had what worked best for us, but now every student is experiencing the same thing: online learning. Adapting a new routine into your life is a challenge such as trying to find the best study spot, the right time to do homework or even the best lighting for Zoom calls. All these factors could lead to stress which might affect one’s ability to stay on track. Here are some tips to manage stress for online school.


Exercising is a great way to keep your body moving after sitting for long periods of time in front of the computer. Many gyms have been impacted due to the pandemic, but even just a walk or run around the block helps to lower stress levels. Improving your mood is a great benefit when it comes to working out. Yoga, for example, is a nice way to relax your body and your mind. Home workouts are now popular, and there are tons of online resources to discover helpful videos to start incorporating fitness into your schedule. Fitting in time to exercise into your schedule is a great stress reliever for the body and a great way to stay active during these times.


Getting and staying organized is a great skill to have when you want to declutter your life. I make sure my room is clean before I start class. Having a clean space helps me focus on the task I’m doing. Getting organized doesn’t just have to be what’s around you. For many, it can be therapeutic to organize their schedules. Creating a to-do list, updating your planner and re-organizing files on your computer can help make a difference. Stress can come from the mess that’s surrounding you. Let’s clean up that mess, throw away those empty water bottles and organize our lives. 

Ask for help

Online learning isn’t for everyone. Some learn better in person, some thrive online. Getting help isn’t the same as it was. Before, I could just walk into my professor’s office hours to talk. Now I have to share my Zoom screen so they can understand what I’m doing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It might be nerve-wracking to hop on a teacher’s link for office hours, but know that they’re there to help. Take advantage; you don’t want to stress yourself out by not asking for help. Stressing over an assignment is not fun, so let the teacher know when you have questions. Press the “raise hand” button on Zoom (or Google Meet), talk in front of the class and get that question answered. The best stress reliever is when you get that light bulb click in your brain when you figure something out.

Take breaks

I do this a lot. I need breaks. I need to clear my mind. I call them “mental breaks.” I remember my teacher in high school had no decorations in his classroom, just blank walls. Everytime we felt overwhelmed, he told us to look at the wall. “The classroom is a blank canvas for creativity,” he said. I have to admit he was right. I would look at the walls to clear my mind and it helped me re-focus. Taking breaks is an easy way for stress management. Especially after looking at a screen for hours, just sitting outside for a few minutes could help. Classrooms would give us a different learning environment, but now we might be stuck in the same environment (at home). It’s time to create new zones. Online school is not the end of the world and managing stress will keep you on the right track.