How To Photograph For An Interview

By Thalia Avila

Great news! You just finished an interview, but now you need to add a photo to complete the story. Snapping a great photograph of a subject can seem intimidating at first, but fear no more. I hope that after reading this blog, your confidence will boost and intimidation will no longer be a factor.

Before you begin the photo session, start out with an email. Remember, email etiquette is important and needs to have a professional tone, clear wording with direct questions. The next step will be to set a date for the interview. After finishing up the interview, make sure to spend five minutes at the end to set a time and location for the photo session. 

If the subject is being photographed outside, the element of time is your best friend! Make sure to schedule the session in the early morning or evening to get the best lighting possible. As the subject is being photographed, make sure to keep the conversation comfortable and flowing. Ask your subject about their hobbies and interests. If their kids are brought up in the conversation and they smile, keep them talking! Observe how your subject reacts when asked how they feel about coming home to their dog or cat later. Always be mindful of the subject of the story. Integrate humor if it is appropriate, and always create a welcoming environment for your subject. 

Be mindful of your subject’s time and schedule. Photo sessions should only last about 30 minutes. Within the 30 minute window, you will want to capture as many different angles and positions possible. Do not hesitate to ask your subject to move to another bench or place in order to get the best landscape in the background or lighting. To wrap things up, make sure to thank them for their time.

Always follow up immediately after your session.  Start to sort through the photos right away to immediately eliminate the bad ones. Narrow it down to 10 photos and then five.  Once you have five great photos, make sure to send them to your subject. Sometimes the subject will pick two or three photos they are stuck with and will let you decide from those. Lightly edit the photo of their choosing if they have any concerns, and then share the final product to confirm.

Lastly, remember photographs are an important part of the story. Getting a great photo of the subject can help the story speak louder. What is an interview without a great photograph?

Overview of key tactics:

  • Email etiquette with professional tone, clear wording, and direct questions
  • Set a date for the interview
  • Lighting is everything
  • Create a comfortable and fun environment
  • Be mindful of their time and schedule
  • Keep it to 30 minutes
  • Play around with different angles and positions
  • Pick 5-10 photos
  • Follow up after the session
  • Narrow it down to five photos
  • Share final product for confirmation

Tips For Designers: How To Present Creative Work

By Sarko Sok

As designers, we learn to use our way of thinking and visualizing to our advantage, allowing us to create stunning work. We can spend hours on a single project and let our minds flow. It can be easy to become submerged in our work while diving into the creative process. That kind of passion may come to a halt for some of us when it comes to the non-design aspects of our work. This could be the organization of our files or documenting our design process as we go, but in this blog, we are going to be focusing on how to present creative work for your client.

Set your goal and know your audience

Before making a presentation, it is important to define the objective and how you can achieve it for your audience. Once that is determined, the next step is to understand your audience. Learn about their interests and motives so that you can ensure that your presentation is concise and relevant. What you are offering should feel like it is framed specifically for your client.

Tell a story

Storytelling is essential when it comes to presenting your work in any setting, and it becomes a very useful skill in life too. By being able to create a connection between you and your audience, you can spark interest in your audience and keep them engaged. Consider the tone and attitude you would like to achieve when presenting. Find a way to relate to your audience. Some examples could be through humor or shared experiences. You are essentially selling your work and your ideas so you want to sound confident and authentic. This will make your audience appreciate your presentation and trust you know what you are talking about.

Presentation visuals

The aesthetic of your presentation is equally as important as your creative work, since you’ll want to present your work as efficiently and effectively as possible. What better way to do so than by applying your design skills to the aesthetics of your presentation! 

Also, remember the design fundamentals that you apply to your creative work and do the same for your presentation.

 Some tips that help me on an everyday basis:

  • Consider your composition and utilize your negative space
  • Be creative with your text, but do not overdo it
  • Everything should still be readable 
  • Use font hierarchy to highlight important messages and clearly communicated content structure
  • Be selective with your text and take advantage of visual aids to keep the audience focused

Rehearse your presentation

A great way to work out any kinks in your presentations is to practice in advance, to ensure what works for you or what is not necessary to include. Once you familiarize yourself with all aspects of your presentation, you will be able to make the necessary adjustments to finalize everything. The presentation of your work should be treated the same way as your design work. Trial and error, revisions, and process work for design, all contribute to perfecting your work. Practicing your presentation will perfect your pitch to your client.

3 Things I Learned From Tehama Group Communications

By Benjamin Goldberg

Stepping into an internship that I knew almost nothing about, I took it upon myself to become acclimated with the environment and learn the essentials of becoming a professional Account Executive. At first, it felt as if the stress never ended and the feeling of being uncomfortable in a new setting kept growing. As cliche as it sounds, I was able to slow time down, gather all of my thoughts and emotions, and put everything that I was taught to the test. 

Here are three things I learned from TGC:

Time Management

Heading into my second semester of junior year, soon after being awarded dean’s list for the year prior, I thought I understood everything that needed to be done in order to stay on task. TGC quickly made me realize that the tools under my belt needed some improvement. Weekly tasks including team and client agendas, slide decks, timesheets, reports, and team member evaluations are just the base of what needs to be completed. As an Account Executive, you take on the role of the middleman between your team and your client, which also means constant communication, delegation of tasks, and running professional meetings. To stay on top of all of this, TGC has taught me to prioritize tasks based on timeliness and importance to the client. Once I began to prioritize my assignments and tasks as such, the light at the end of the tunnel began to shine brighter. The work I was producing was more thorough and to the best of my ability, making for a more confident self and client. 


Being from sunny Southern California, I never dressed in anything but shorts and a t-shirt, unless for special occasions. Even in my first couple years of college, with GE classes and online school taking up most of my time during the pandemic, there wasn’t a need to dress up. TGC has helped me realize that dressing for success actually helps one feel more confident, present, and attentive. Not only does it allow me to feel this way, but it also allows for the quality and presentation of my work to be more effective and professional. 


Without my team(s), there is no telling where I would be at this point in the semester. As an Account Executive, the sense of feeling that everything you touch is your responsibility creeps up on you quite often. Stress and anxiety levels run high, resulting in a poor quality of work. It is important to remember that your team members are there to help you relieve that feeling. TGC has implemented the standard of “don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Getting help is nothing to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of. It shows that you care about what you do, that you want to get better at it, and in the end, be able to help someone else who was in your shoes at one point. 

As my time at TGC comes to an end, I take it upon myself to reflect on the experiences I had and the lessons I have learned. Not only will these lessons serve me throughout the rest of my college career at Chico State University, but  also travel with me throughout my career post-grad . Everyone has to start somewhere, and to be frank, TGC was the best place to start. 

How to Utilize Your Campus Resources

4 tips on how taking advantage of campus resources can accelerate your education

By Hannah Sarwar

Many college students overlook the importance of campus resources while they are available to them. Hundreds of helping hands that are tailored to benefiting students are right at their fingertips. Resources are there to help, and are designed specifically to make their lives easier. This blog will dive into four tips on how utilizing campus resources can accelerate an educational career as a college student. 

1. Exploring Academic Resources 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the aid of academic resources on campus. From help ranging anywhere from skills workshops to writing centers, there is guaranteed to be a program that directly meets a student’s needs. More often than not, undergraduate school can feel overwhelming, especially with ongoing pressure of transitioning from online to in-person classes after the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking advantage of academic resources is something that can help ease the madness of getting a degree. For example, taking ten minutes out of your day to explore academic resources is a benefit that may surprise you in a good way! 

2. Take Advantage of Advising 

Many of us know the dreaded word “advising” from lugging our backpacks to our high school advisor while looking over future classes. Well guess what, college advising is not only different, but it is extremely helpful. Discussing future goals and pathways can be a large contributor to a student’s success. Whether it be academic, graduation, or even career advising, there is always someone on campus to help with personal needs. This can be extremely helpful for expected graduates to work on resumes and cover letters for future employers. Having a professional set of eyes on your resume is an advantage that will put a student ahead of their competition. 

3. Exploring Mental Health Services 

Self-care can often get overlooked by college students. Between the stress of passing classes, maintaining a social life, and allocating time for yourself, it can become intense. One way to combat this in order to find a balance between academics and personal life is to explore mental health resources that may be available on campus. Many schools acknowledge that students are stressed, and provide various resources that allow them to de-stress or even just talk about it. Some resources that are available on many campuses include free counseling, confidential support services, medical care services, de-stress centers and much more! With a tough transition back to campuses after the pandemic, many campuses are also offering virtual resources that students can access online. Self-care is an extremely important asset to take time for early on in life, especially when there are many resources that can help.

College can be overwhelming. Seeking help and taking advantage of the on campus resources that are available to students is a great way to combat stress and further prepare oneself for the real world.

– Hannah Sarwar

4. Attend Study Workshops

More often than not, various campuses will arrange study groups throughout the year for students in different majors to attend. This not only allows students to be exposed to various academic mindsets, but it allows them to connect with peers while getting adequate help in a subject they may be falling behind in. Study groups allow for student interaction while also helping improve academic performance. Looking into a calendar of upcoming study groups your school is hosting is a great way to kickstart a student’s performance in classes they may be feeling stressed in. 

College can be overwhelming. Seeking help and taking advantage of the on campus resources that are available to students is a great way to combat stress and further prepare oneself for the real world. For whatever reason, many students do not realize the impact that utilizing your resources can have on your academic career. By taking one step ahead and exploring what schools have to offer, one may be surprised with just how many resources they can find!

How to Tackle Unfamiliar Topics

By Victoria Hernández

In the world of Public Relations clients range from standard practices to niche fields such as government relations. Every business, organization, and public figure partake in PR one way or another. Take advantage of the flourishing field and find a career uniquely suited for your interests.

When working at an agency or job hunting, there may be clients in an uncommon industry. When you find yourself in a situation such as this, take a step back and assess the situation. The following features a guide of what to do when interacting with unfamiliar topics:

Gather what you know

Even if your prior knowledge is extremely limited, it is important to write down any and all information you do know about the topic. By doing this you’re able to get your brain thinking about the matter, while also creating basic points of reference for future information to latch onto.

Take advantage of Google

Although some resources may be unreliable, your primary search engine is a staple when attempting to acquire basic knowledge. Take a look at an online encyclopedia, articles, or industry news sites. By reading a bit about the topic, you are able to become familiar with industry terms and verbiage along with origin points. When obtaining base knowledge, Google can become your best friend.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

It is acceptable to admit that you don’t know something. Nobody knows everything about everything. It is important to put your ego aside and talk to someone knowledgeable about the topic. Asking an individual questions can create a better learning response for your brain. When actively engaging in a conversation with an individual you are more likely to absorb information and actually understand it. 

Fact-check before publishing

If you are unsure about a fact, make sure to obtain various sources conveying the same information. At times it can be confusing to know whether something is accurate when you do not know much about the topic to begin with.

All in all, it is important to show interest and motivation to learn. Don’t stress yourself out too much in attempting to learn everything about a specific industry. As you grow within your field, you will gain new experiences and knowledge as time passes.

You’re Graduating! Here Are A Few Tips To Kickstart Your PR Career

By Alexis Harvey

Congratulations! You’re graduating! You have the whole world ahead of you! But you are stressed! 

The months leading up to graduation are some of the most exciting times of your life, but they can seem daunting at the same time. After all of the excitement settles down, reality sets in, and you have some decision-making to do. Where do you go from here?

It can be difficult to choose what type of PR you want to pursue or where you want to go after graduation. Here are a few ways to make these next couple of months leading up to graduation smooth and headache-free: 

Finding your niche

The best thing about PR is that it is such a diverse industry. One of the most difficult decisions public relations students face is deciding what type of PR best suits their abilities. You should think about your personal interests and unique experiences to find your niche.

A niche is a combination of your professional skills, interests, and fields you want to work in. It can be a whole department of the industry or even a specialty, such as content creation in the realm of digital media. 

Begin by asking yourself a couple of questions: 

What are my greatest strengths? Weaknesses?

What do I love to do?

What do my peers say I am best at in the world of PR?

Some PR specialists thrive in content creation while others may excel in writing. It is important to immerse yourself in all departments of public relations during your time in college to better understand your strengths in the industry. 

Deciding what area of PR interests you the most

Along with finding your niche, it is also important to tap into your personal interests to figure out what area of PR you want to work in. As an intern or in an entry-level position it is important to take this time to expose yourself to all aspects of the industry to figure out what areas of focus you enjoy working on. 

You may consider entertainment PR if you have an interest in working in the world of television, fashion, music, or celebrity culture. Your role would be to represent and promote those within the entertainment world. 

Maybe you have an interest in healthcare but don’t want to become a healthcare provider. Healthcare PR would be a great match for you! Healthcare PR reps work with various health organizations, non-profits, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals. They act as liaisons between these organizations and the mainstream media. 

Technology PR is also a great position for those who enjoy keeping up with the newest technological advancements and gadgets. 

There are an array of PR jobs in different industries so it is important to find the one that is best suited to you.

Remember to keep going and not feel discouraged

This is probably the best advice anyone can receive after graduating from college. Yes, change is quite difficult, especially when it comes to graduating, leaving the place you have called home for the last four years, and deciding what to do next.

After finding your niche and area of expertise it is time to start applying to different jobs in different cities. It can be overwhelming in the beginning but it is important to remember to not feel discouraged. We all know how anxiety-inducing it can be to begin the interview process but it is also such an exciting time. You want to take this time to truly understand what you want out of a career and just because one company turned you down, your dream job may be right around the corner.

As a PR professional you have so many different options, but that is also the beauty of public relations. Being so new to the industry it is the perfect time to try new things. Remember that no matter what path you choose to take, all experience is a valuable experience, so don’t be afraid to begin your journey in public relations. 

Adobe Illustrator: My 5 Essential Adobe Illustrator Tools

By Miguel Villalobos

Adobe Illustrator is a popular software application that designers and artists use to create different variations of artwork. This program specializes in creating vector graphics and offers many different design tools that are great for creating things such as icons, logos and illustrations. The program can seem overwhelming for people who are just starting out, however, it does get easier over time. Throughout this piece, I will walk you through a few of my favorite tools in Illustrator that have helped me improve my workflow and skills. 

The Blend Tool

The first tool I want to talk about is the Blend Tool. This tool can be found by going to Object > Blend. This tool can help you create unique and interesting blends between multiple objects, and has different settings that allow you to customize your blends as you work. 

Below is an example of using Object > Blend > Make, while using the Smooth Color option. As you can see, it blends the shapes together and creates a gradient.

Here is an example of using the Blend Tool with letters, while changing the options from Smooth Color to Specified Steps. You can clarify how many steps you want between each shape. You can find this by going to Blend > Blend Options.

Smooth Tool

The next tool I want to talk about is the Smooth Tool. The Smooth Tool really lives up to its name. It helps you smooth out paths that may be a little more rough or wonky than you would prefer. It is great for helping sharpen up your attention to detail on different vector shapes. 

In this example, I created a shape with a few rough edges. By selecting the Smooth Tool, and just running it over the anchor points a few times, it will smoothen out the edges for you. 

Type on A Path Tool

The Type on a Path Tool is without a doubt one of my favorite tools in Illustrator. It allows for you to make text write along different paths that aren’t just horizontal or vertical. You can use it for any path that you create, whether it is by using just a plain shape or by creating a path with the Pen Tool.

Here is an example of how the Type on a Path Tool works. You can create a path using any form. For this example, I just used a circle. Using the Type on a Path Tool, you simply click on the path and it will turn your path into a guide for your text. From here, you can manipulate the text and the beginning/end of the path. 

Here is an example of the tool being used on a different path that was created using the Pen Tool. 

The Knife Tool

The next tool I want to focus on is the Knife Tool. The tool is extremely simple, yet extremely effective. It really does exactly what you would expect. It allows you to slice through paths, giving you more precision with your vector shape building. 

As you can see, you can take any vectorized shape, and simply slice through the shape and it will create a new path. You can move or remove the new sliced part of your vector to fast track your process. 

Paintbrush + Brush Library

The Paintbrush Tool is a tool that allows you to hand draw strokes onto your artboard. You can find the Paintbrush Tool on the side panel or by using its shortcut, B on the keyboard. The tool lets you give your projects more of a hands-on aesthetic to them. 

Along with the Paintbrush tool, there is a whole library of different brush strokes you can utilize. You can find the Brush Library by going to Window > Brush Libraries. The Brush Library holds strokes such as watercolor brushes, calligraphic brushes, and even different types of borders that you can expand and vectorize. 

Here is an example of the different types of brush strokes being applied. 

Wrapping up!

Illustrator can be fun and with a little time and effort, it can become easy to use. All the different tools and icons can be intimidating at first, but instead of being afraid, just jump in and play around with them. I mean, what is the worst that can happen?  When you finally learn how to use one, it can feel extremely gratifying. Add that feeling of gratification alongside gaining more overall skills as a designer, and it’s a win-win! Thank you for reading and I hope that you learned something new along the way!

Daily Habits to Encourage Consistency as a College Student

Five simple daily habits to implement in college to establish a consistent and successful daily routine.

By Natalie Lewandowski

In college, it seems that every day is full of new opportunities, making it challenging to gauge what day-to-day life looks like. The lack of consistency makes maintaining a healthy school, work and social-life schedule extremely difficult. By establishing these five daily habits, your mind and body will find a consistent pace as you conquer your college career. 

1. Establish a Sleep Schedule

There are advantages to establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating healthy sleep habits. According to Harvard University, “College students who prioritize sleep are likely to see improvement in their academic performance.” By being well rested, you will have the energy to complete your day, remain attentive during lectures and course work, and be less stressed. It is important to remember that most college students need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

2. Make Time for Daily Movement

It can be easy to stay glued to a computer screen or notebook for hours at a time. Set yourself reminders to get up and get active throughout the day! A simple outdoor walk, guided yoga, or workout class can allow your mind to take a much needed break that will ultimately allow you to perform better! “Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and anxiety and help you sleep better,” noted the CDC.

3. Check-In with Yourself

Each morning take note of what you feel that YOU need that day. A simple mental check-in can diagnose a lot. Whether you feel that you need to make time to talk to a friend, have a self-care moment, or more time allotted in your day for studying. It is crucial to mentally, emotionally and physically check-in with yourself so that you are aware of how you are feeling and how to get help if necessary. Some questions you may ask yourself during this time are:

  • Do I feel overwhelmed with school? 
  • Am I feeling more stressed than usual?
  • What do I have to look forward to this weekend?
  • How have I been sleeping? 
  • What’s my energy level?
  • What has brought me joy recently? Who can I share this with?
  • Who can I lean on for support and encouragement?

By establishing your needs, “it can improve your mood, your energy, your relationships with others, and your productivity,” says Jordan Madison.

4. Clean Your Space

A lot can be accomplished in just 10 short minutes! Grab your phone and set a quick timer each day! This gives you the opportunity to focus on your personal space. Pick up laundry, wipe off your desk, rearrange your books, do whatever you need to free your mind and environment from the added stress of clutter. Having a clean environment can reduce anxiety, encourage organization and promote better time management skills. 

5. Plan Ahead
Before heading off to bed, reflect on what has been accomplished and prepare for the next day. Create a simple to-do list with tasks you need to complete, social engagements and course work along with its due date. By organizing your thoughts the night before, you will be mentally prepared for the next day and more strategic in your approach. Simply writing down a list encourages productivity and keeps a busy student organized.

The Application of Education After Graduation

By Gabby French

In the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, Prin Mayowa who had a job canceled on her due to the pandemic, instead of moping decided to be proactive in building her portfolio. Along this journey, she wrote and published a book to add to her success.

Prin, a 2016 graduate of Journalism and Public Relations at Chico State talks to us about her journey since leaving Tehama Group Communications. When the time finally came after graduation, Prin found her first job just by connections, she reached out to a fellow Tehama Group Communications alum from the previous semester and got a job working in an agency in Santa Monica.

She did not stay at the agency long but still had a great experience and got her first taste of working in the entertainment industry. The environment at the agency was great but there was not a wide range of diversity, which ended up being a huge part of Prin’s career. Entertainment and music was not what she had always envisioned for herself, she wanted to start in fashion when she was still in college.

She had interned at a small boutique firm called Reach the Masses, and from there, grew and realized that is not exactly where she wanted to land. In 2017 she worked as a publicist’s assistant for Jim Gaffigan and Judd Apatow. After working that job she said that she saw the very dark sides of the entertainment industry. 

After only working there for a short period of time, Prin decided to create her own PR firm. She partnered up with a past colleague from Reach the Masses who had a background in marketing, and together they formed Broken Clock Public Relations.

“School only gives you the tools, it is up to you to use them and adapt, what you learn in the classroom is just the foundation.”

– Prin Mayowa

It took them a little while to gain traction, but after reaching out to different establishments, they finally landed their first client! A winery in Burbank, it started out amazing but they ran into a very big problem. After working with this winery for about two months, they were fired and all their intellectual property was stolen by this winery.

They kept all reports and newsletters that Prin and her partner created for them and used them all after they were fired. Getting fired was a big hit for them and they had to pause and take a look at their company. They did a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis on themselves and decided to get back in the field after. 

From there, they landed one more client, Plunge, an ocean front restaurant in Long Beach, California. At this time, Prin’s partner decided that this was no longer a good fit for her and decided to leave the firm.

With her partner choosing to walk away, it now became Prin’s responsibility to work with their clients and focus on both PR and marketing. It was at this time in her career path where the music industry came into her view.

Prin was introduced to the industry while working with the winery in Burbank, when an artist who had performed at the location had reached out to her. The artist was impressed with the way Prin wrote, and was hoping that Prin would work with her for even a small rate. This was her first taste of the music industry. Prin decided that she wanted to just work with the artist Tamika, so she finished and closed out all her accounts.

“The way you exit any situation says more about your character,” Prin said.

Prin worked with Tamika for a while, and ended up becoming her head manager. Tamika was asked to audition on The Voice two times, and after some time Prin decided it was her time to move on to strictly PR or marketing jobs.

She found herself working for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, which was a shock to her because she was not very familiar with that type of musical background. Prin worked closely in promotional efforts for them, including activism and social justice. This was important to her, so when the Los Angeles Philharmonic wanted to create a musical center in Inglewood, Prin spoke up and voiced her concerns with that. She thought that they first had to establish themselves in that community before just taking over a space. They created community outreach events so that people could get familiar with them before creating that space. 

You can now find Prin working with Hip Hop DX as a social media coordinator,  who is in line to be a social media manager. Her advice to upcoming graduates: 

“School only gives you the tools, it is up to you to use them and adapt, what you learn in the classroom is just the foundation,” Prin concludes.

How to Get the Most Out of Professional Relationships

By Emma Mitchell

Throughout life, we experience different types of relationships. Beginning at birth, we foster connections with our parents, siblings, and elementary school friends. The journey starts with sleepovers and playdates. Slowly, these interactions transition to trips to the mall, movies, and high school prom. All in all, our interactions with those around us play a huge role in our lives.

When beginning a job in a professional setting, sparking these connections can seem daunting and new. In reality, this is something we have been doing our entire lives, but here it feels different – and rightfully so. There are new trials and tribulations we experience in an office that we do not see in other parts of our lives.

Begin on a Positive Note

Begin with your best foot forward! Make sure to acknowledge those around you and enter the workplace with an open attitude. A first impression is often very lasting, and while you may be nervous, try your best to give your new coworkers your best self.

Improve Communication Skills

By now, you are probably an expert at texting and using social media. We live in a digital age, thus a majority of us have our phones at our fingertips 24/7. Using this to your advantage can be a strong way to improve relationships with those around you. Responding quickly when contacted by your coworkers is a great way to get ahead and establish your reliability. While it is also expected and understandable to set boundaries between work and personal life, responding swiftly when you have the opportunity can be helpful to those around you.

Foster Relationships Outside the Workplace

While it might be daunting to some to mix work and personal relationships, there is nothing wrong with spending time with your coworkers outside of the office – with boundaries. Going on a hike, getting coffee, or hosting a small event at your home with those you work with can strengthen relationships and help create more chemistry when working. In big groups or one on one, organizing some get-togethers on the weekend may help foster friendships in the workplace that otherwise would never flourish.

React Positively to Constructive Criticism

There may be some situations or tasks you do not handle to the best of your ability, which your coworkers may acknowledge. This is completely normal and all a part of producing the best work you can as a team. If a coworker offers some helpful pointers, advice or calls out a flaw in one of your projects, it is best to accept it gracefully. Overall, they are simply trying to help. Be open to constructive criticism. Always remember that many of your supervisors and co-workers started right where you are, and their goal is to help you flourish and grow in the roles you take on!

Be Empathetic

With remote work, sometimes it is hard to see those around you as real people, with lives and situations outside of the office. Try to put yourself in their shoes. If a report or piece of work comes in late or not to the best of their ability, a coworker may be going through something behind the scenes that you don’t know about. Try to think of yourself and be empathetic, especially if someone in the office reaches out to you with a personal situation.