Should your brand get political?


Companies have always taken political stances, but in today’s modern technological environment it has become much easier for consumers to both praise and criticize their actions.   

This begs the question of whether or not it is in a company’s best intent to get political, and whether or not it is advantageous or detrimental to their image and business as a whole. One would assume that taking a stance on any political issue would risk alienating some consumers and in turn reduce profits.

However, as it turns out, some companies are taking a stand and ignoring any possible negative publicity to show their customers what their values are. Many major brands used the Super Bowl – an event that is no stranger to controversial commercials – to speak out, and the internet loved it.

Brands such as Budweiser and 84 Lumber endured backlash on Twitter in the form of hashtags urging people to boycott their products, with some calling them out as anti-american. Despite all the backlash, analytics of the ads show that the campaigns actually received mostly positive reactions from consumers.

Regardless of whatever stance an organization decides to take on a political issue, it’s clear that they’ll be walking on thin ice. This risky trend is tending to get more popular and advertisers should think twice before they take that next step – as it could prove to be quite polarizing.

The Beauty of To-Do Lists

If you’re like most people, you live a busy life which pulls you in multiple directions. We have all been there: you grab your morning coffee and begin checking emails. By the time you’re done you have a list of to-dos the length of your arm and you are frantically searching for more coffee.

We live in an age where more is expected of young PR professionals and it is the fast-paced environment that defines what we do. This infographic is here to help you plan out your to-do lists and hopefully ease some of your troubles.

Remember at the end of the day that you did your best. Now get out there and show the world what you are capable of!

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Tips for staying on track. Created by Madeline Merlic.

Written by Madeline Merlic, TGC Editor.

Confidence is key – How to be a confident leader

When it comes to the professional world, confidence is key. Successful people will tell you to have a confident handshake, a confident gaze and to dress like a confident business person.

If you do all these things right, you will come off as a confident person. But if your confidence is a façade, it can only last so long.

In my six weeks of being an account executive at Tehama Group Communications, I’ve learned you must have inner confidence before outer confidence can flourish. “Fake it ‘til you make it” doesn’t actually work when you are trying to lead a team of people who count on you to call the shots.

I have always thought of myself to be a self-assertive. Yet when I began my internship at TGC, I found that I was doubting and second-guessing myself. The time came for me to be a leader and suddenly that confidence was gone.

My confidence had never really been put to the test before. A firm handshake and a great business outfit got me through the door, but the rest was up to me to prove my self-assertiveness. From the first week of my internship to now, I’ve learned a lot about how to maintain my self-confidence, even when I’m feeling doubtful.

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Get organized and take charge.

You cannot be a confident leader if you do not properly plan. When it comes to conducting a meeting, make sure to create an agenda and know what you will say once the meeting begins. Keep control of the conversation. There will be some off-topic comments, but keep control of the tasks that need to be covered so the meeting stays on track.

Connect with your team.

No one wants to take direction from someone who seems disinterested in the people around them. Connect with the people you are working with and establish a relationship in the first stages of a project. Not only will they see you as less of a tyrant just rattling out order but they will be more inclined to churn out their best work every time they’re tasked with something.

Create a power mantra.

I recently started taking yoga classes and made my mantra, “You are confident, strong and centered.” It sounds cheesy, but convincing yourself of your own abilities can have a hugely positive effect on your psyche. Even if you’re not into the mantra idea, yoga classes may help clear your mind, which can also help you steer clear of being an overbearing leader.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

It is good to remember that your confidence can always be improved simply by asking for guidance. Confident people are not invincible, and can still make mistakes.Asking for help is what led me to become more confident in my capabilities as a leader. It reassured me that being a leader is a learning process, that takes time and experience.

by Jane Eveland, Account Executive

Snapping Back Into School Mode

As we creep into September, it becomes evident that summer is coming to an end and fall semester is in full effect. Considering it is the second week of school, we should all be in school mode, right? Well, not exactly. In case you aren’t completely prepared for what lies ahead, I have a few tips to help you get there. It can be easy if you do it right. In fact, it can be kind of fun.

Make time to eat!

After a summer of spoiling yourself with delicious homemade food and restaurant meals, it can be hard to stock your own fridge again, let alone make meals. With schedules jam-packed with classes throughout the day, it can be hard to even find time to eat.

Here are some tips:

1. Try to buy snacks and small meals that are easy to bring to school or work. Vegetables, fruit, crackers, Trail mix, salads and small sandwiches are all great foods that you can grab-and-go.

2. If you are on campus all day, try using Wildcat Dollars to purchase food! By clicking here, you can add money to your student ID card and use it at any of the campus food stations.  They carry items such as fruit, sandwiches, salads, snacks, drinks and much more.  It is a quick and easy way to fill yourself up.


Find time to exercise

With a busy schedule, adding exercise into your daily routine can seem like a tough challenge.  Even though exercising can be a drag, especially when you’re tired, it can be a great way to de-stress, clear your mind and remain healthy. Here are several ways to get a workout in during the week.

1. Attend classes at the WREC Center:

The WREC Center is open every day of the week and offers over a dozen group exercise classes.  Each class ranges from 30 minutes to an hour and focuses on various aspects of the body.  A list of class descriptions can be found in the WREC section of the Associated Students website.  Make sure to check out the schedule to see which classes best fit your busy day.

2. Try exercising at home:

If you can’t make it to the gym, try simple exercises that you can do in a few minutes at home. I use the Nike Training Club app.  It serves as my personal trainer that is available at my convenience.  I can choose workouts that meet my needs, listen to audio instructions, track workout results and share workouts with friends.   The workout section of Pinterest has great workout routines as well.


Stay Organized & use apps!?

School calls for serious organization skills. Having a planner is the first step to organization. However, sometimes organization doesn’t seem like enough. Here are two apps that I have found extremely helpful.

1.Snap2PDF: I love this app. You can take pictures of anything, handouts, a page in a textbook, etc. and turn it into a PDF that you can then email to yourself. You can also create multipage documents that you can convert into one PDF instead of having a bunch of separate ones.

2. IStudiezPro: This app is great because it is tailored toward students and you can use it to manage your classes.  The app allows you up upload your entire schedule and then add individual assignments and notes into each class section.  It is a great way to stay organized and ensure you don’t miss assignments.