Why Everyone Should Work in a Restaurant at Some Point

From dish washing to waiting, the food service industry is one that often gets misunderstood and overlooked at. It is commonly seen as a service, where the customers are aiding businesses by bringing their hunger to them. Where no mistakes can be made, because it is a simple job, no matter the position.

On the contrary, it is not an easy job. There’s much more to working in a restaurant than most people think. It is like a machine, where it takes many components to work right, and being a part of that machine has taught me valuable things that can be incorporated into the real world.

Photo credit: Joserolando Bravo

1. Appreciation

Working in a restaurant lets you see the hard work it takes to make it run well. You learn to appreciate the host’s warm welcome, the bus person keeping your table clean, and the time a server takes to make sure your are enjoying your dinning experience. Lets not forget the food; the staff in the kitchen never stops working including the dishwasher that receives dirty dishes almost nonstop.

2. Patience

There will be difficult customers that will make it seem impossible to work with, regardless of age or gender. Lashing out or speaking your mind is not an option. Patience is a virtue, and one you’ll definitely gain working in the food industry.

3. Dynamics

Human interaction is inevitable, and working in a restaurant is a great way of building skills that will become beneficial. Courtesy, respect, and politeness are a necessity, and sometimes people tend to forget that. “Treat customers as if they were guests in your own home,” says Nate Johnson, Chef and owner of The Kitchen Table in Chico Calif.. Great food and great service will help build relationships, along with regular customers.

4. Communication

Probably one of the biggest gains in working in a restaurant is gaining the ability to properly communicate, not only with customers, but with coworkers as well.

5. Teamwork

Most jobs you will obtain will require the ability to work with a team. Leadership skills and being able to follow are both characteristics of teamwork, and a restaurant is a perfect place to learn that.

Working in a restaurant is something that everyone should do at some point in their lives. The things learned from it will benefit you greatly, and are something that will carry on to the rest of your life.

Benefits of Working for a Nonprofit

This past summer I moved to Santa Barbara and interned for a nonprofit called Dream Foundation. Dream Foundation is the first and largest national wish-granting organization for adults who have been given a year or less life expectancy. The foundation fulfills dreams from lifelong dreams to basic need items, bedside reunions or meaningful experiences with loved ones.

dream foundation employees
Photo credit: Jen Basulto

At Dream Foundation, I was the communications intern and was given many responsibilities that varied from writing press releases, producing web content and pitching to the media. Of all the internships I have had over the years — and I have had many — this is hands down the most rewarding and beneficial work experience I have had thus far.

Nonprofits are sometimes overlooked because of the low pay that comes with working there, but it’s here where young professionals can gain the experience they need. “The fact is, nonprofits can offer fantastic opportunities for individuals who are willing to work hard to make the world a better place,” says Rebecca Andruszka, a writer for The Daily Muse, a website that offers career advice. Here are my top three reasons you should consider working or interning for a nonprofit.

1. The experience is a resume builder and you will expand your skills

Most nonprofits don’t have the funding needed to be able to hire all the employees they need. This means the staff and interns they have will have many responsibilities and a heavy workload. Many of the responsibilities aren’t specific to what your job title is and more often than not, cross over into different departments. This allows for more hands-on opportunities.

Photo credit: Jen Basulto

2. Expanding your network

Most nonprofits have a team of board members that is highly involved in the activities of the foundation and also have many corporations who sponsor, offer services or volunteer for the foundation. This is beneficial for both employees and interns because you will get the opportunity to network with these people who are of great importance to the foundation.

3. Meet talented and passionate people

People who work in nonprofits are some of the most amazing people you will ever get to meet. They are good at what they do and don’t do it just for the money. They truly work hard to make the world a better place and to bring happiness to those who need it most.

So the next time you’re searching for an internship or job, consider working for a nonprofit to gain valuable experience while making the world a better place.