How to be Successful After Graduation

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The 2014 academic year has finally ended and so has life in college. Feelings of panic and excitement are common for recent graduates and the fear of the unknown can be overwhelming.

The terrifying realization of an unset path transitioning out of college can be stressful and nerve-racking. But making your way into the “real” world and landing that entry-level job is achievable. If you’re looking for what to do, follow these tips and your dream job can be yours.


  1. Define Tangible Goals:

Before you even think about beginning your job hunt, take a moment to write down your short-term and long-term goals.  Writing down what you want to achieve puts your objective into perspective and helps you visualize what the step should be.


  1. Network:

Networking is not just a fashionable term. It is one of the most important tools for individuals looking for a job. The job hunting process is all about who you know and the connections you have within the industry you strive to work in.

Keeping in touch with previous friends, professors, colleagues distant family members can give you an edge on your competition.

Networking via social media platforms can be extremely beneficial. Using social networking sites like Facebook and Linkedin as research tools can help you target potential networking contacts and make connections with the people you wish to connect with from the people you’re currently networked with. But your presence on social-networking is only useful when it results in face-to-face communication. Use it as a starting ground to get to in-person interaction.


  1. Brand Yourself

You just graduated, and you feel on top of the world. But then reality smacks you in the face when you realize there are thousands of other graduates competing for the same job as you.

Employers are looking for individuals with skill sets and personality traits that aren’t cookie- cutter. Building a personal brand that sets you apart from your competition can be the deciding factor on whether or not you get the job.


  1. Be Proactive

Your dream job is not going to coming falling out of the clear-blue sky and drop right into your lap. Looking for a job after graduation can be time consuming and energy-sapping, as potential employers are not on the manhunt for potential employees.

Researching a company and field you are passionate about can set you apart. Think about things you do well and enjoy doing. And then find a company that fits that criteria and become a master of that company.

Don’t be lazy and wait for your dreams to happen. Go out and start making those dreams a reality.


Graduation is a time of celebration with friends and family. It should be a time to celebrate the hard work and dedication you put into the past four years. Don’t stress about what to do after graduation.

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to the future you always imagined for yourself.